Pastor: Rich Schaller
The Book of Revelation is Jesus' advance notice of both the impending just wrath of God as well as of His own return to rule, reign and judge the nations. Full of literal and symbolic language, this prophetic book, in concert with the prophecies of old by Zechariah, Isaiah, Ezekiel, Daniel, and Jeremiah (to name a few) identify key features of the days leading up to the coming Day of the Lord as well as declare the events which will take place during the Great Tribulation following those day. Far from an exhaustive study, we will unpack in some detail the 22 chapters of the book in a study setting which allows for the asking of questions.
This study is already underway, and we will begin chapter seven next time we meet. This study meets in the Fellowship Hall at 6pm most Sunday evenings (check the calendar weekly to make sure we are meeting).